One Punk's Guide to Free Jazz by Mike Faloon
"Much of the best punk exists beyond the common narrative. The same holds true for jazz.
Emerging at the dawn of twentieth century, no one knows exactly who started jazz or precisely when it started. But all paths lead to African-Americans, specifically black Creoles, living in Jim Crow New Orleans. Using rhythms and melodies from Africa and the Caribbean, they drew on ragtime, blues, marches, work songs, spirituals, and waltzes. As with any great leap forward, particularly one emanating within an oppressed and ostracized community, jazz met with resistance from the outset."
Mike Faloon is a longtime Razorcake contributor. His latest book, The Other Night at Quinn’s, is out now on Razorcake/Gorsky. It’s about the free jazz scene that emerged in a small town in upstate New York. Check it out if this article resonates.
Layout by Lauren Denitzio.
Adapted by Todd Taylor.
Originally appeared in Razorcake #108 February/March 2019
5.5” x 8.5”