Razorcake 142, featuring Home Front, Amanda MacKaye, Teenage Sequence, Mariah Stovall, and One Punk’s Guide to Vintage Car Restoration
Home Front interview by Daryl
Amanda MacKaye (Bed Maker, Routineers, Desiderata) Interview by Michael T. Fournier
Teenage Sequence Interview by John Miskelly
Mariah Stovall Interview by Kurt Morris
One Punk’s Guide to Vintage Car Restoration by Ric Six
“Hawaiians are routinely discriminated and degraded by tourists, who treat the entire island as a theme park resort populated by employees... Truly, no one is free until we are all free.” –Donna Ramone (instagram)
“Free LSD is a hardcore record, but it’s so much more… Free LSD, works as both a sci-fi story and as a metaphor for this neoliberal shitshow we find ourselves in. –Jim Ruland (instagram)
“There is no legal contract or vow in the world that can stop someone from falling in love... We are heart-explorers… How much love is possible if you don’t try to control it?” –Lorde Destroyer
“Democracy depends on picking people who are reasonable, then pressuring them to do the right thing.” –Sean Carswell (instagram)
“Fuck you, spotted lanternfly! I’m hip to your deceptions!” –Rev. Nørb (instagram)
“Another light has dimmed on the once-flickering marquee of Los Angeles’s first wave of punk rock. Johnny Stingray, the founding force behind both L.A.’s the Controllers and KAOS passed away on June 15, 2024.” –Designated Dale
JD Vance is a bearded turd.”Time to flush!” –Art Fuentes. (instagram)
“Rhythm Chili... It tastes illegal.” –Rhythm Chicken (instagram)
And photos from the lovely and talented:
Chris Boarts Larson
Mari Tamura
Albert Licano
This issue is dedicated to the memory of Johnny Stingray